Alden Central Schools One to the World: A Teaching and Learning Initiative
“Greatness is not in where we stand, but in what direction we are moving. We must set sail sometimes with the wind and sometimes against it, but sail we must, and not drift or lie at anchor.”
– Oliver Wendell Holmes -

Vision Statement
To nurture knowledgeable critical thinkers, communicators, collaborators, creators and contributors to the world.
Mission Statement
To empower students to make meaningful contributions to the world by creating learning experiences that include four key elements:
Skills : Students will work on Significant Content and Skills.
Tasks: Students will engage with real world, challenging problems.
Audience: Students will create public products for an audience beyond the teacher.
Reach: Students will connect with the world to improve the quality and enhance the impact of their work.
Credits -
Alan November is widely credited for using the term ”One to the World.”
Our Vision and Mission statements have been adopted and adapted from the work of Alan November, the Loudon County Public Schools in Ashburn, Virginia and the “Essential Project Design Elements” Of Gold Standard Project Based Learning from the Buck Institute for Education.