Building Connections to Grow and Thrive
The Alden Family Center links families to essential resources and services as well as supporting new families to the district. While the Center serves as a referral service it can provide some short term mental health services and consultations. The Center also promotes the wellbeing of students, families and staff through educational programs, training, and community projects.
Additionally, it assists families facing unexpected challenges by providing basic needs, especially during the holiday season.
Services that the Family Center offers:
Health, wellness and educational resources, presentations and information to individuals and families in the Alden community.
Short-term mental health services for families, children and youth that includes addressing communication barriers, divorce/separation, domestic violence, substance abuse and behavior concerns.
Easier access to community resources and agencies.
Access to emergency food and clothing supply.
The Family Center is open during the school year
Mondays and Fridays - 7:30am-2:30pm
Wednesdays and Thursdays, 8:30am-3:30pm
Evening Hours by Appointment
The Alden Family Center is located at Alden Middle School. If you would like to make an appointment or have any questions, please feel free to contact Meredith Howard, Alden Family Center Facilitator, at 716-937-9116 ext 2158 or Email Meredith Howard. Check out the events page for information on what we are planning.