**The Family Center does not endorse any organizations or individuals outside of the Alden Central School District. These resources are for informational purposes and should be pursued based on the consumer's own criteria

Parent and Caregiver Resources

Child Mind Institute: Parent Guides and Family Resource Center

Healthily Children.org - Academy of American Pediatrics

HealthyChildren.org is divided into multiple sections, including:

  • Ages & Stages: Information on the health issues of infants through adolescents, including interactive content on developmental milestones

  • Healthy Living: Up-to-date guidance on fitness, sports, oral health, emotional wellness and nutrition

  • Safety & Prevention: Preparing for health scenarios that occur at home, school and on the go, as well as in-depth information on the immunizations children need to stay healthy

  • Family Life: Guidance on working with your primary care physician, family dynamics, the impact of media on children, and keeping children safe at work and play

  • Health Issues: An A-to-Z list of hundreds of health care topics

Also, check out the Tips and Tools area of the site, which includes app recommendations, Q & A with pediatricians, a symptom checker, e-newsletters and magazine, webinars, and more. Many HealthyChildren.org resources are also available in Spanish

Learning Disabilities Association – Exploring topics of interest to educators & individuals

Children's Health Home of Upstate New York

Navigating the current healthcare system can be difficult for relatively healthy Medicaid recipients and even more so for enrollees who have high-cost and complex chronic conditions that drive a high volume of high cost inpatient episodes.
Appropriately accessing and managing services through improved care coordination and service integration is essential in controlling future health care costs and improving healthy outcomes.

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy

Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT) is a highly effective, evidence-based program shown to help children (ages 3–7) whose behavior is disruptive or impulsive enough to cause serious problems at home and at school.